Thursday, April 25, 2013

04-24-13 Sick in the Woods Somewhere

Woke up with an upset stomach. We broke camp and headed north. I ate two Pop Tarts which settled my stomach slightly. B caught up to me as I started struggling up every climb.

We stopped at a waterfall; he enjoyed the views, I enjoyed laying down.

I stopped again near the Hardcore Cascades. I took a brief nap. I woke up and my upset stomach overpowered me. I had the sickness. I wouldn't say it was the Norovirus but rather some other unknown bug. Regardless, I had puked in the woods. I grabbed a pile of leaves and covered up my mess. We quickly left the scene.

Our plan was to make it to Hampton--another 9 miles. Rain was in the forecast. We called an audible and settled for the Moreland Gap Shelter, 3 miles away.

Dragged into camp, pulled out my sleeping pad and sleeping bag and had a quiet evening.


  1. Hey Kristen hope you get to feel better soon. I received your postcard today, which was a great way to start the day. Please know we are thinking of you and miss you. Take care. Kind Regards Paula
