Friday, May 10, 2013

05-01-13 Together at the highest peak in Virginia

Today we woke up at 2,695 feet and ended at 5,415, which included a day of climbing up and over Virginia's highest peak.

We made it to Buzzard Rock a little before lunch and just before the clouds obstructed a beautiful view. The rest of the way over Whitetop Mountain was windy and in the clouds.

We hit the gap between Whitetop and Mt Rogers for lunch. The clouds began to ease and the views came back. Across the road a pony emerged to entertain us. We weren't expecting the ponies until Grayson Highlands.

Lunch finished and we still had climbing to do. On the way up a couple of hikers introduced me to ramps, we tried some, sort of a wild onion with a garlic aftertaste. Hopefully we remember to look for some just before a meal.

At the top of the climb there was a 0.5 mi side trail to the top of Mount Rogers. A few locals mentioned there were views and it was a state high point so we shed the packs and sauntered up the side trail (anytime we take off our packs we add a bit to our step). At the top, nothing in the way of views, a very disappointing excursion. I think I erred in my line of questioning with the locals.

We snacked at the shelter nearby where I pulled out a trail mix that we are especially fond of. After a handful I placed it near K who was stretching. The bag went over and the contents scattered around the front of the shelter. Rather than cry over the mice's new jackpot, I quickly grabbed the filter and headed for the water.

We found a nice campsite a few miles down and got in bed just in time to hear rain hit the tent. Overall, a very nice day.

1 comment:

  1. We have wild ramps in our yard. Haven't tried eating them yet though...
