Friday, May 10, 2013

05-08-13 Together under the Witch Hazels

Went to bed last night with stars in the sky; woke to rain. We pretended to be asleep, perhaps it was a dream. It was not, the sky was continuing her assault on us.

Trubrit had made the camp eggs and bacon which were devoured in no time. On his way out to drop some section hikers, Trubrit indicated we could cook pancakes if we were still hungry. Yank and Blue Bonnet jumped to it and we had pancakes with syrup, butter, and Reese's.

Still raining after our meal, hikers were trying to decide whether to go or stay. Together with Cyclops, we opted to hike and were dropped off in the rain around 10:30.

Didn't see anyone the first 9 miles but they flew by, some of the fastest yet. Crossed I-77 and made our way up to Helveys Mill Shelter where we found a few friends including Yank and Blue Bonnet. Cyclops elected to stay with them as we headed back out in the rain. K developed a blister and we slowed the pace a little as the trail became water logged.

Ended the day's hike camping between two streams next to Derelict, a section hiker. He informed us that we were camped under two blooming witch hazel trees.

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