Wednesday, May 15, 2013

05-11-13 Together Along the Virginia Ridge

There was fog when we woke up; do you think it follows us? Luckily it was warm and the fog quickly lifted.

Upon checking out, we found out that the free shuttle back to the trail is only available when the driver is awake, usually around noon. We started walking down the street towards the trail and saw Danno. He asked if we needed a ride which we thought was a joke at first. Turns out he had to rent a car in order to get to a specific outfitter for his shoes. The agency did not have anything to rent him except a 12 passenger van, the perfect shuttle vehicle. Thank you Danno!

The trail skirted town, an industrial plant, and the landfill before a big climb back into the ridges. At first it was an easy traverse and we had a wonderful view for lunch. The trail knows when you get complacent though and treated us to a few miles of rock scrambles.

Much of the ridge today was actually the border between Virginia and West Virginia. For whatever reason, the books don't recognize this fact and West Virginia gets cheated Appalachian Trail miles (WV has the fewest of the 14 states which the AT travels).

The weight from our recent resupply finally took its toll and we were wiped around 17miles in. We heard thunder and as soon as we set up the tent; downpour. Waited it out for dinner and again, downpour as soon as we finished. Happy not to be wet, we called it a day to the sound of more rain.

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