Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05-18-13 Hanging Ten at McAfee Knob Together

Slept in the shelter last night so packing up this morning was a breeze.

We reached McAfee Knob mid-morning and we were disappointed by the foggy view. However, we still hung our legs off the edge per tradition. I must say, it told my breath away and I couldn't sit straight up for fear of falling off.

Further along the path we came to Tinker Cliffs. A little bit of the view peaked through at us and we enjoyed the half mile of cliff walking.

Had a big lunch of rehydrated potato soup for lunch at Lamberts Meadow Shelter then motored into Daleville, Virginia. The trail continued one and a half miles more into Troutville, Virginia and we set up our tent in a pavilion at the Troutville Town Park.

Across the street at the Troutville Fire Department we showered and cleaned our laundry. One of the volunteer firefighters, John, showed us their training facilities. They converted an old school into a training room, the interior of a mock house and a confined space area complete with a trap door--all very cool.

1 comment:

  1. That picture makes me nervous! I would have been holding my breath too!
