Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Together Minus One

Unfortunately, the third member of our family is unable to make the journey with us. Cirby, the cat, will be taking a six-month vacation to my parents house. They have three cats which are spoiled, so I'm a little worried that Cirby won't want to come home.

Pros of Bringing Cirby on the Appalachian Trail

  • Companionship
  • Good Listener
  • Warmth when it is cold at night

Cons of Bringing Cirby on the Appalachian Trail

  • Cirby = Bear Food
  • Cirby = Tick Magnet
  • An extra 19 lbs 12 oz to carry

Disclaimer: This entire post and video is actually just an excuse for me to post pictures of cats :-)

1 comment:

  1. The Brady Bunch theme song had me laughing out loud. :)
