Monday, June 17, 2013

06-09-13 Together in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

Had a lazy morning then proceeded to old town Harper's Ferry. We hung out at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy for awhile and ran into DNA's dad, Stan. What a treat it was to catch up with him!

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia is very historic. Situated between the Potomac River and Shenandoah River it was a strategic point not just during the Civil War but also for the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

We walked around the preserved buildings and saw where John Brown, the abolitionist, was caught during his raid. Peaked inside many other buildings they've preserved for the National Park.

Late in the afternoon, Morning Kid and Bamboo joined us at the campsite and we cooked out for dinner.


  1. It looks like you're having a great adventure out there. I haven't read every blog, but was wondering what your favorite section has been so far?


    1. That's tough because it's all so unique. B really enjoyed the Smokies and Roan Mtn area because of the views. I've really enjoyed Harper's Ferry and Maryland because of the history.
