Saturday, June 22, 2013

06-15-13 Halfway Done and Still Together

A monumental day. We hit the halfway point! 1,092.5 miles down, 1,092.5 to go.

To celebrate, we hiked to the Pine Grove Furnace State Park camp store and each bought a half gallon of ice cream. I was worried it was a bad idea and would negatively effect me--if you know what I mean--but we both finished them with ease and I can still stand the sight of ice cream.

While the ice cream settled on our tummies, we walked around the Appalachian Trail a short distance away. While we were there we ran into DNA again!

We camped four miles up with Shaman, Etch-a-sketch and DNA. We're all hoping for a dry night and are all sleeping without our rain flies.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the halfway mark! Can't imagine doing anything but napping with a half gallon of ice cream in my belly.
