Wednesday, July 17, 2013

07-09-13 Somewhere near the Dover Oak

An easy eleven mile hike today. Along the way, we stopped at a vista for lunch with friends at West Mountain. Further down, was the largest oak tree on the trail--The Dover Oak, over 300 years old and 20' 4" wide.

We finished the day on a boardwalk that took us to the Appalachian Trail Railroad Station--basically just a platform in the middle of nowhere.

We resupplied in Wingdale, New York and ended the day at Native Landscapes for free tenting on the mulch pile. Enjoyed the evening with buddies Quahog and Oreo. Settled in for a long night's sleep between the highway and the train tracks.


  1. For your education, the site of Nuclear Lake was owned by United Nuclear and was where they operated a research facility to experiment with uranium and plutonium in the 1950's-1970's. In 1972, a chemical explosion scattered radioactive plutonium dust in the forest. The plant was closed, soil was hauled out (to where?) and a lake was put in. Hope you didn't bathe in the lake!

    1. Thanks for looking that up. No we didn't swim in it but will pass the info on to the hikers complaining of random hair loss...connection?
