Thursday, July 25, 2013

07-18-13 Somewhere with first and second-degree burns

Now don't get too worried with the title; remember second degree burns is like a really bad sunburn with blisters.

Before we get to that story though, let's start from the beginning...

We enjoyed our last few hours of civilization in Dalton then headed back into the woods. Packed out a sub sandwich for lunch and ate it on the marble outcroppings named "The Cobbles" with a view down to the Hoosic River Valley and Mount Greylock.

Continued downhill and into the town of Cheshire, Massachusetts. From there it was a gradual uphill as we began our ascent of Mount Greylock. Stopped short of the summit at Mark Noepel Shelter where we called it a night.

For dinner, we headed over to the shelter with friends Bamboo, Shaman, Morning Kid, her dad, and Steady State.

I was in a seated position boiling water on our alcohol stove. The water reached a boil and the flame burned out. I was pouring the water into our Rice Sides' sleeves when I lost my grip and spilled it on my leg. In a frenzy I raced to set down the pot and spilled more on my hand. I rushed out of the shelter eager to get my pants off the burned skin.

B poured cool water on the burned areas and we slathered Neosporin on. I ventured back over to the shelter for dinner, but spent the remainder of the evening airing out my wounds in the tent.


  1. How are Kristen's burns healing?

    1. Hey Cheri, burns healed well. Hand peeled and now you can't tell, and I still have a few red marks on my leg.
