Monday, July 22, 2013

07-15-13 Somewhere near Knee-Deep Pond

Today was a very pleasant day, mostly walking along the ridge. We saw some sort of ground bird, perhaps a grouse? along the way.

We cooked Ramen for lunch at the Shaker campsite and set out some clothing to dry in the sun.

Up Cobble Hill we went, followed by Baldy Mountain. An uneventful yet pleasant afternoon stroll; we've enjoyed the change in pace.

We stealth camped with DNA and Etch-a-Sketch near Knee-Deep Pond. The excitement of the night occurred when a sectional hiker stopped to talk wearing only his underwear. Apparently it's much cooler and causes less chaffing with only tighty-whiteys on. Hey, hike your own hike, right?


  1. Been reading your blog for a while, great account of your trip! I'll be section hiking right behind you guys next week. If you end up taking a zero anywhere in northern MA let me know and I'll try to grab some supplies on my way out. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the comment. We appreciate the offer but don't need anything at this time--unless you can control the weather... Good luck with your hike; let us know how it goes and if you have a blog. Take care!
